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  1. Re: Sarisin Kristin

  2. Re: Sarisin Kristin

  3. #1143

    Re: Sarisin Kristin


    Hakikaten yahu, kim bu zirtapozlar?

    serpil-hale-hande yazdı:
    ladybug yazdı:

    Bu ne yahu kim bunlar.

  4. Re: Sarisin Kristin

    ladybug yazdı:

    Sen onlari bosverde asil bu zirtapoz ne yapiyor bu yumurtalarla.. Ben konduramadim bir yere.

  5. Re:

    Angela ve Eric o sebekler

    Emmett de Rosalie'ye yumurta kaynatacagi sirada yakalanmis objektiflere.

    Serendipity yazdı:

    Hakikaten yahu, kim bu zirtapozlar?

    serpil-hale-hande yazdı:
    ladybug yazdı:

    Bu ne yahu kim bunlar.

  6. Re:

    Rob mexico da TW trailerin tanitimini yapiypr.


  7. Re:

  8. Re:

    Kellen rop..

    Lutz has been building buzz with roles in Stick It, Prom Night and the new 90210, but the 23-year-old heartthrob’s career is about to spike when he appears as big bro Emmett Cullen in the highly anticipated romance/vampire/action movie, Twilight.

    How was your experience working on Twilight? Was there a lot of pressure to live up to the novels?
    I loved every part of working on Twilight and honestly nothing about doing the movie felt like work. I mean, we shot in one of the coolest locations in the US, I worked with a lot of my friends, we had the best cast who loved to hang out on and off of set, we had the coolest most creative director and we had the best crew. There wasn't that much pressure. Yes the movie is based on the book but I loved the script and I know we will do the book justice and then some.

    How did you land the part of Emmett?
    Well I was actually shooting a mini series called Generation Kill in Africa when the script for Twilight was released and they began to cast the film. I really liked the script and really wanted to play Emmett and play a vampire, so I tried to put myself on tape to send to my agent in LA. Well, I had the hardest time putting myself on tape due to our shooting schedule, as well as not having all the needed resources, so time came and went and soon enough Twilight was cast. I finished shooting Generation Kill right before Christmas of 2007. I had been away from home for seven months shooting in Africa and really just wanted a vacation. That's what I told my team and they respected that. Then my agent called me and told me they re-opened the role of Emmett due to unknown reasons and said it must be fate and got me the appointment. I went to the audition and they liked what I did and wanted to fly me out to Portland to read for director Catherine Hardwicke. So off I went to Portland and once there, I met Catherine, read for her, and got the part.

    Can you tell us a little bit about Emmett’s part in the story and how you approached the role?
    Emmett is the loveable laughable big brother in the story. I love Emmett because he doesn’t care about most things and lives such a fun life but when trouble comes around he turns into the protective older brother and handles the threat. I feel like I am a lot like Emmett and used my experiences from growing up in the Midwest and having such a big family and I use that as I tap into Emmett.

    Any funny/cool on-set stories?
    It was always so much fun after a hard day of work having all of us cast members hang out in one of our hotel rooms and just play guitar, order room service, and just chill.

    A really funny moment happened on set to one of the producers. We had a closed set and during the cafeteria scenes, this lady was standing by the camera and started up a conversation with one of the producers. Ten minutes into the conversation, the producer, not recognizing this person, stopped to ask who she was. The woman said she wasn’t a part of the movie, and was a Twilight Mom and a fan and just wanted to check out the set. It was just funny hearing the story from our producer because the lady just walked straight on in and acted like she was supposed to be there. Haha, good old security, huh? So we all joked about that and the producers made sure the closed set was more tightly secured from that day on.

    How have you been dealing with all the fan attention? Any crazy fan stories?
    Haha yeah… There have been so many funny stories! I live next to a high school and my roommates had a fun idea to go and check out the local high school football game and just hang and watch a game and eat stadium food. So a group of us went to the game and as soon as I bought my ticket, my buddy got the feeling that someone was following us. He was right. As soon as we got to the hot dog stand, this girl said “ Kellan I love you. Can I have a picture?” She was shaking so much which I thought it was very cute and of course we talked for a bit and took some pictures and we said goodbye. We finally got our food and found seats and all of a sudden groups of kids kept coming up to our seats asking for pictures and autographs and wanting me to sign everything from their jeans to their shoes. It was funny and very flattering; I was barely able to watch the game. I guess I should have thought twice about it being a high school football game … but still, it was a fun night.

    The fan attention's fun and I'm very flattered. Everyone I have met has been so kind and sweet. We know what big fans of Twilight they are so we just want to please them as much as we can.

    Why should college kids go see Twilight?
    Twilight is an action packed romance movie. It definitely will appeal to college guys with all the action and stunts that we hurt ourselves doing, as well as to the college girls with the great Romeo and Juliet type romance between Edward and Bella. It’s a great movie for any and all ages and gender, plus the cast is extremely talented and fun to watch on screen. The chemistry between everyone is amazing.

    What are some of your favorite movies?
    I am obsessed with Fight Club and can’t wait to do a movie like that one day.

    What’s your favorite thing to do or place to go on a Saturday Night?
    Well my roommates and I have Saturday nights as our game nights, so we usually try and go bowling or to the arcade or play Putt Putt or we just hang at home and play Taboo or Pictionary Man or Phase 10 or Life or Risk… the list goes on and on… Saturday nights are our FUN NIGHTS!

  9. Re:

    Kurtadam ROB!

Benzer Konular

  1. Avustralya-Alacakaranlık-Vali- Bunlara giden varmı?
    Konuyu Açan: aegean_3740, Forum: Genel Forum.
    Cevap: 21
    Son Mesaj: 22 Ocak 2009, 20:15
  2. Alacakaranlık İşkencesi
    Konuyu Açan: nerdogan, Forum: Genel Forum.
    Cevap: 27
    Son Mesaj: 09 Kasım 2008, 13:07
  3. 95 sayfa okutmayın bana lütfen..nedir bu TWILIGHT?
    Konuyu Açan: Bizanslı, Forum: Genel Forum.
    Cevap: 37
    Son Mesaj: 10 Ekim 2008, 14:26
  4. nerden buldu bu kuşlar bizi?...alacakaranlık kuşağı gibi ....
    Konuyu Açan: Bizanslı, Forum: Genel Forum.
    Cevap: 10
    Son Mesaj: 01 Kasım 2005, 11:15
  5. Cevap: 8
    Son Mesaj: 18 Ekim 2005, 10:40


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